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Banda Aceh recent comments:

  • Unsyiah Rector Bureau, Dedi Nofriadi (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Gue kangen ama Banda Aceh. tempat dimana gue kuliah tepatnya di Program Studi Pemasaran Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Syiah Kuala. gue GAk tau kapan masanya gue dapat kembali lagi melihat Aceh, suatu tempat yg sangat indah menurut gue. I LOVE YOU ATJEH
  • Kantor Gubernur Provinsi Aceh, Warga NAD (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Saya sarankan pada Pejabat NAD yang terhormat, coba lihat Kantor Gubernur NAD, dari Atas (Anggasa). Menurut penglihatan saya, kantor Gubernur NAD mirip palang salip. Aceh mayoritas Islam, kenapa kantor gubernur mirip palang salip ???.
  • SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh, rizal (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    i had smuntig, because smuntig sooooo bad.
  • Bina Swadaya Office NAD, Haryo (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Good luck He,he,he
  • Chemical Engineering - Syiah Kuala University, muhibb (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    wah ini kampus terbaik!
  • Masjid Raya Baiturrahman, muhibb (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    mari membangun aceh yang kaya smua....!
  • Masjid Raya Baiturrahman, Ngarapken Ginting (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Semoga aceh dapat menjadi icon untuk hukum syariahnya, semoga saja .....
  • Musalla Kid, Ryan Lubis (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Jadi teringat tarawih pas bulan ramadhan...
  • SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh, zi (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    i love smuntig
  • Unsyiah Rector Bureau, er (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • Bappeda Propinsi dan Spatial Planning And Environment Management NAD, taqyu05 wrote 17 years ago:
    Spatial Planning And Environment Namagement NAD
  • Simpang Lima, Ric_vir_014 (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    i go with you, to many crash happen there.
  • Warkop Jasa Ayah Solong Ulee Kareng (Solong Coffee), gelandangan Kst (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Kopi Ulee Kareng, The best cofee in the world. Penggila kopi akan ketemu kopi yang sebenarnya. Kst.
  • Bina Swadaya Office NAD, gelandangan Kst (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Kustomo joint with ETESP- ADB Bina Swadaya on 23 April 2007. Tim Bina Swadaya consist of: Abu Yamin (team leader), A. Irawati (Project Director), Andi Rohman K. (Project Supervisor and HQ Support), Indah M. (HQ Supports), Agung Prasetio (Liaison of Fisheries), Pasrah Martakarya (Liaison of Irigation), Kustomo (Liaison of Agriculture), Panji P. (Office Manager), Dedi Asmar (HRD), Dony (Finance), Hardy (Cashier), Dedi Susanto (Logistic), Ria (Secretary), Sony (Transportation), Aldy (Media). 30 CMS (Districts) and 1050 Fields officer covered 17 Districts in NAD and Nias. Good Luck for all.
  • Masjid Syuhada Lamnyong, Ureung Lamreung (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    The old Masjid Lamnyong was built by local Acehnese leaders in 1910s with the aim to halt the Dutch influence who stationed nearby. It was so successful that Dutch never got any foot with the local people. The resentment against Dutch was kept and passed to young generation until they were kicked out in early February 1942 by joint force of Japanese troops and Acehnese militia. My grandfather who was an imam and the caretaker of the mosque eagerly told me the history of this mosque from its conception to its destruction. It beared traditional Aceh stryle mosque with two-layered roof, open courtyard and big windows. A big ablution basin was situated behind the mosque. Two big freshwater fish were kept in the basin. They lived very long. I remember one of them, golden in colour, was already there when I was child and it died when I was 14 years of age. A new replacement came, but it was not as beautiful as the previous one. There was a big jackfruit tree on the lawn, I used to stare on its big fruits everytime I was going there. There were so many sweet memories recorded in my heart about the old Meuseujid Lamnyong and nearby market, where I spent my childhood until my 18th birthday. When flood canal was built, the market and the masjid had to go. It was very sad to see the wall of masjid were torn piece by piece, although the relocation is just a few hundred meters away from its original site. The original site now become river.
  • Bina Swadaya Office NAD, gelandangan (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    ini markas Tim BSK: Agung P, Pasrah M, Abu Yamin, cs.
  • PLN, WARGA NAD (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • Masjid Raya Baiturrahman, verry (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    yang penting orang tetap meramaikan masjid dengan sholat berjamaah, masjid akan terlihat jauh lebih indah jika demikian.
  • Masjid Raya Baiturrahman, Warga Aceh (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Jangan biarkan orang tidak pakai jilbab, orang pacaran memasuki areal mesjid, menara didepan mesjid kurang tepat penepatannya, bisa menggurangi keindahan mesjid.
  • Simpang Lima, Warga Aceh (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Arus lalulintas semakin padat, lebih baik memikirkan pembuatan jembatan dibundaran agar arus lalu lintas terarah.